Email Services

Email for companies can get complicated quickly. There are many different kinds of email, and usually different systems or tools for each to ensure only the right email gets delivered

  • There is day to day internal email for people within the company: how can they keep that private and safe?
  • Email from outside the company brings in risks of Phishing attacks or documents that contain malware
  • Inbound Spam is a never ending problem, flooding inboxes with offers of medicinal plants, weight loss plans, Nigerian princes who want to send you their money, fake delivery notifications and products you know you will never need. Up to half of all email on the internet is spam in any given month.
  • Spoofed Spam is a hidden problem: where people send emails pretending to be from your company. This is how spam gets through: they borrow your reputation for their message, and ruin it in the process, making it harder for your genuine messages to get delivered correctly
  • Email marketing is where the company sends ot a newsletter to people who have signed ui
  • Transactional Email comes from a web site: for example when a customer orders something online, the web site may email the customer a summary of the order, and email the web site owner a notification that they needs to ship the order

The Department have done a surprisingly good job of setting up their email. You poke around for a while, and notice that their anti-spam settings look OK, that their mail server looks like it is hosted by a third party (which is usually a good sign), that they use a third party for their email marketing and transactional email.

Not much to see here. You could try phishing and see if it gets past the spam filters.

Try Phishing
